Upload your files and share them anywhere to start earning money from downloads.
Earn money with each unique download of your file without any limitations or restrictions.
Our rates are always increasing to make you able to achieve the highest revenue from your files. And currently, we offer the highest CPMs in the market!
Earn.download provides a simple yet detailed dashboard to track your earnings & files. You can also group your files by creating folders
Earn.download has a dedicated support team that that is ready to help you with anything regarding your account, payments or any questions you may have.
With Earn.download, you get 50 GB of free storage, which you can use to upload files and share them with others to make money!
There is nothing you should do after creating an account to start earnings. The website has a very simple dashboard and you can start sharing your file immediately.
Upload Files and Get Paid in 3 Easy Steps!
Create your account and upload your files easily.
Share your download links on forums, social media or your sites.
Earn money with each unique download of your file without any limitations or restrictions.
Earn.download is a monetizable File Upload service and the publisher receives rewards from advertisements.
It allows you to earn money by sharing the links of your uploaded files on the Website, Forum or Social media. If a visitor clicks on your short link, they will be taken to the advertisement page before downloading the files.
When you reach the minimum withdrawal amount for your method of choice, you can request a withdrawal and receive it immediately. You do not need to wait to receive your earnings!
Yes we do. For each of your Publisher referrals, we will pay you 10% of what they earn through advertising.
Upload Files
You can also browse files from your device